Working with Ansible PlaybookPlaybooks are Ansible’s configuration, deployment, and orchestration language. They can describe a policy you want your remote systems to…Aug 27, 2021Aug 27, 2021
Install & Configure AnsibleWith Ansible you can automate the processes of installing packages or configuring applications.Aug 27, 2021Aug 27, 2021
Assing Key Pair Value to EC2 with TerraformLet’s create a new folder to work on, terraform file and a directory for our keys.Aug 27, 2021Aug 27, 2021
How to pass variables to a JSON file in TerraformLet’s say you are creating an IAM policy with Terraform by using a seperate json file which includes the statement for the policy.Aug 27, 2021Aug 27, 2021
Terraform — Using Modules Multiple TimesImagine you need to create multiple instances with each different AMI, instance type, AZ etc. One way to achieve this is having multiple…Jan 4, 2021Jan 4, 2021